Global solo – update

The @globalsolo twitter account has been passed onto @arti_choke (Pam Hook). I have so much on my plate work wise and have not been able to develop things further. I hope that the links continue between solo taxonomy users.

If any of you followed the LinkedIn account that has also been closed. I am gradually removing the accounts run for globalsolo.

I have been privileged to see the idea of solo taxonomy spread but now it’s time for me to step back.
Andy Knill

#INZPIrED chat 20/21 February 2015

This took place at various time points – here in the UK, at 4 am. See who took part and if there is anyone you would like to connect with.


#globalsolo celebrates one year

Our first post last Dec 31 2013 saw a blank twitter profile for @globalsolo. So here one year later how does it look?


Yes the numbers are higher, this is the current number of followers, some have been lost along the way. By 23 January 2014 we had 500 followers in time for the BETT show in London (Education Tech / IT) that I attended on the Friday. I was dressed in a polo shirt that I had produced – see background. The logo design has been criticised because it does not show Australia or New Zealand and remains a one off – ideas always welcomed.

As each new follower subscribes they have been added to the list of network members as my role is as facilitator and advocate / evangelist which. I have done through appearances at various Ed events / Teachmeets.

This screenshot show how many have signed up and one time or another.


So year two how do we develop? This is one of two Twitter networks I act as a facilitator for. I believe that we have brought many educators together and ideas and resources have been shared. Ideal? No but I am just a link – I will try and respond to requests if I can fit them in – where should the network go next? Ideas welcomed as it is not mine to determine.

Thanks for joining / visiting / reading / sharing.

Andy Knill aka @globalsolo and @aknill


Pre structural ….but not able to retain uni structural …

My youngest son has always had numerical blocks, we suspect dyscalculia when I look at his maths progress over many years of secondary education I do see progress to relational stages on some aspects of number bonds.

Then today a college homework on averages, medians… We seem to slip back to pre structural. Ideas he has used previously founder again. Is it the mental block to maths achievement? Any suggestions? Seriously ideas appreciated.

We have moved on time, money are not the barriers they used to be but longer term retention of ideas still seem a long way off.

An update . Taking stock…

In January when this network idea all started it seemed an easy concept, start a twitter account, add LinkedIn, Google+ and start a blog to share ideas.

Things got off to a good start inc. having the logo transformed as an idea into reality and a polo and sweat shirt printed off in time to attend the BETT 2014 show. I used the opportunity to be photographed with @globalsolo prominent which led to several discussions about what it involved. Yes, I know that the map does not do justice to Australia or New Zealand – why do you think I haven’t gone into production !?! All in the planning / ideas file…

The shirts have been seen at a number of events during the year. The twitter account has proved a great success and encourages lots of sharing of ideas and resources. At #TLT14 I even made a globalsolo hat which attracted a certain amount of attention. Like the shirts it was unique and a one off – I suspect the bar staff at the pub in Southampton probably binned it though after I abandoned it.


In 5 weeks the accounts will be one year old. The thoughts of all or any followers / network members are welcomed.


Promises of a database of members so that you can filter details for age group taught, country, subject etc has still not come to fruition due to demands in my full time life outside Twitter and taking on a new department, but remains on the developments to work on.

Thoughts have even crossed my mind on whether I could actually earn something from the #globalsolo vehicle – but no progress on that yet either.

If you’ve read this far, thank you and do give feedback on the blog as a comment or tweet to @globalsolo or email to Your ideas are very welcome.


Andy Knill (aka @aknill)

@Globalsolo appearing live …

The Twitter network continues to expand – now over 1500 educators. The blog, possibly slightly stalled, but he who changes jobs has less time to spend on other pursuits.

Membership database still in the plans but time factor and uncertainty about data protection has currently stalled plans.


@globalsolo is booked to appear live in 2014/15 at:

– TLT14 in Southampton in October 2014 (event is already full). There will be a noisey Genius Bar stand about Solo Taxonomy and the Globalsolo network during the lunch intermission.

– @TMHavering 3 in November 2014 in Hornchurch, Havering, Greater London. Event details and tickets are released on Monday 15th September. There will be a variety of workshops in offer inc. Solo Taxonomy use. ONLY 75 tickets will be on offer so check the tweets for news and get booked up early – this is a free event.

– Northern Rocks 2015 – following the popularity and indeed turning audience seekers away at the June 2014 inaugural event in Leeds, Yorkshire, the Solo session run in 2014 by @Globalsolo and Andy Day have been invited to speak again. There will be shouting from the windows as last summer.

I am sure there will be more events announced as possibilities come up. If you are a UK school and are interested in PD contact us. All links are subject to my personal teaching commitment and own role in school but I would like to start expanding the network further, what say you?

EdchatNZ inaugural meeting 8 and 9 August 2014

Twitter is a wonder, last Thursday and Friday evenings and late into the night I sat up in the UK and followed tweets from Hobsonville Point (@HPSS) in Auckland, New Zealand. They were hosting a first time face to face (some twitter speak is nonsensical) meeting for NZ educators. I had heard about it through a few twitter sources including Steve Mouldey (@GeoMouldey) who I have tweeted with for a while and seen the new developments as Hobsonville Point has developed as a new school.

They included challenges for participants including presenters, some of which had been used by The GeoCollective at the Geographical Association conference 2014 in Guildford, UK. My favourites were the presenters “dance” challenges which I had embraced wholeheartedly and led 60 geographers dancing to start my own Easter workshop, anyway I digress.

The Saturday workshops included Pam Hook (@arti_choke) presenting about Solo taxonomy in the primary and secondary schools. If you read this blog I am sure that you have come across Pam’s work and HookEd site. This was the closest I have ever been to participating in / hearing Pam live. Nuances of presentations are missed being on the other side of the world, but very gratifying to feel included, to renew acquaintances and make new friends.




Keep an eye out for such events around the globe and then send a post to share it with our network. All links for EdChatNZ appreciated.

Latest sightings of @globalsolo

Globalsolo. Presented at @BMTeachMeet this week, no tech was used. Card hexagons and audience participation. The ideas were greeted with 4 new followers at the event.

A request for a presentation for TMStratford-on-Avon on Thur 3 July was produced this weekend using Haiku Deck for the slides and Knuvio for the added VoiceOver. Once the event have used the video it will be posted for our followers to feedback on.

i will be at on. Tues. 1 July but as co-host, not presenting,time to let others have a go.

My Hobbies by Garden Shed Productions video was mentioned by a social worker friend this week and another place to use Solo Taxonomy – a development to keep an eye on.which other professions make use of solo taxonomy- please share any you are aware of a big thanks to all our new followers / network members we are now past 1400 in our first 6 months. Three weeks. To. My summer holidays and then the network database gets started properly – apologies for delay.