Category Archives: People to follow – recommendations

Network suggestions

EdchatNZ inaugural meeting 8 and 9 August 2014

Twitter is a wonder, last Thursday and Friday evenings and late into the night I sat up in the UK and followed tweets from Hobsonville Point (@HPSS) in Auckland, New Zealand. They were hosting a first time face to face (some twitter speak is nonsensical) meeting for NZ educators. I had heard about it through a few twitter sources including Steve Mouldey (@GeoMouldey) who I have tweeted with for a while and seen the new developments as Hobsonville Point has developed as a new school.

They included challenges for participants including presenters, some of which had been used by The GeoCollective at the Geographical Association conference 2014 in Guildford, UK. My favourites were the presenters “dance” challenges which I had embraced wholeheartedly and led 60 geographers dancing to start my own Easter workshop, anyway I digress.

The Saturday workshops included Pam Hook (@arti_choke) presenting about Solo taxonomy in the primary and secondary schools. If you read this blog I am sure that you have come across Pam’s work and HookEd site. This was the closest I have ever been to participating in / hearing Pam live. Nuances of presentations are missed being on the other side of the world, but very gratifying to feel included, to renew acquaintances and make new friends.




Keep an eye out for such events around the globe and then send a post to share it with our network. All links for EdChatNZ appreciated.

BETT2014 visit blog link

Part 1

BETT2014 visit blog link

P art 2

#BETT2014 and #TMBett14 or #TMBett2014Fri. 24/1/14 – part 2 – one end of the hall.

Rather than write separate posts under different blogs I am linking from here to my personal blog because my visit on Friday was for a number of reasons. If you don’t enjoy the diary / travelogue approach, please avoid these posts.